my3dbase blog

by Kristian Zimmermann 23 March 2025
Achieving Ultra-Smooth FDM Prints for Model Kits
by Kristian Zimmermann 8 February 2025
Bringing the Heinkel P.1068 to Life For aviation history enthusiasts and model builders, the Heinkel P.1068 is one of the lesser-known yet highly intriguing Luft ’46 aircraft concepts. Originally developed as a twin-engine competitor to the Arado Ar 234 , it evolved into a more advanced bomber featuring up to six engines. Though the He 343 project was ultimately canceled, the P.1068 survived in a different form—as a test aircraft built in collaboration with DFS (Deutsche Forschungsanstalt für Segelflug) . Now, you can bring this advanced jet bomber concept to life with our latest Heinkel P.1068-01 model kit , available exclusively at My3DBase .
by Kristian Zimmermann 7 June 2024
Description of the Junkers EF 110 kit development by my3dbase.
by noreply 7 April 2024
Description of the Junkers EF 110 kit development by my3dbase.
by Kristian Zimmermann 24 January 2024
Bubble Canopy Do 435- fictional
by noreply 29 September 2023
Focke Wulf with BMW 802 engines- model kit development
by noreply 18 August 2023
ARADO E.395 model kit development
by noreply 11 February 2023
The EMW A-6 looks definitely cool enough to justify making a model kit for it. And as far as I know, there is no 1:48 scale model kit on the market currently. Some information from the
by Kristian Zimmermann 10 October 2020
Damit Eure Kekse mit unseren Backförmchen so richtig gut funktionieren haben wir für euch ein paar Tips zusammengestellt. Vorab einmal das Rezept: 100 g Butter 50 g Puderzucker (kann dem eigenen Geschmack angepasst werden) 30 g Ei 200 g Mehl Die Mengen können unter Einhaltung des Mischungsverhältnisses erhöht werden. Zunächst wird der Puderzucker mit der Butter vermengt. Danach wir das Ei hinzugegeben. Anschließend wird das Mehl untergehoben. Wichtig: Damit der Teig die richtige Konsistenz erhält sollte er gekühlt werden; ca 30min im Gefrierfach oder 1-2 Stunden im Kühlschrank.
by Kristian Zimmermann 7 February 2020
The PATHFINDER is essentially based on the standard NG-2. But it features a full auto mechanism, voltage indicator and safety catch. Max fps is 130, the rate of fire is approximately 900darts/min.
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